Book a Transfer

Intui offers its partners who use  API wide solution 3 useful features:


1. Meeting point scheme

Meetingpointscheme is a link to the photo of client's meeting point scheme.

The scheme may be a photo of the place where the driver waits for the client or the image with the instructions.


Meeting point schema

This value API users get with other booking details and may apply it for:

- detailed information of the transfer for clients at the website

- to vouchers for clients

Meeting point scheme would be helpful and increase the loyalty of the customer


2. Booking Details method


Intui implemented a new method for API partners.

Booking Details returns detailed information about the ordering by its identifier.

This method must be called with the authorization parameter:

apikey => secret key API (issued in your personal account when you connect via API) (format: String)

You may try it separately or with booking modifying method:

if you use modifying method and want to get the data after it to check, please do this with Booking Details method.

Also you may use this before modyfing the booking to recheck the details sent via API to Intui and apply the changes if those needed.

This method would help you to control the bookings you have and prevent the issues with non-relevant data.


3. Flight delayed supplier wait


Intui has expanded the service with a new feature:

Now if the flight is delayed for any reason, the driver waits the customer up to 2 hours from the time of arrival initially provided in the booking, without additional charges.

For partners using the API solution, this is reflected in the technical documentation and it is now possible to select vehicles with this option via API.

The feature works only for TP2 & TS2 vehicles types (format: Bool)


Please send your suggestions on improving the service to

1 passengers