How to pay for an order using the balance if its price is higher than my current balance?
To purchase a transfer, the cost of which is higher than the one you have on your balance you first need to find out its net value.
When you are convinced that the amount on the balance is not enough to pay for a transfer, make the top up with your bank card or another payment method.
To do this, you need:
1 In the partner’s personal account, on the "Profile" tab, click on the "Top up" button
2 Choose for replenishment in the drop-down list "Custom amount", then indicate the desired amount for payment
3 Choose a payment method by cards and aagree to the terms of the contract by clicking on the checkbox
4 Click on the button "Top Up ____EUR"
The sum funded will be credited to the balance within 5 minutes, the amount on it will be updated and you can buy the transfer at the net price (with a discount applied)
About how to buy transfers from the balance you will