Book a Transfer

Meet new items in the API!

1. Added driver_in_suit variable

The driver_in_suit variable is displayed in RS by the GetAvailCars method

The presence of this variable means that the driver will meet the client in a business suit.

This option is in demand by business and VIP clients, and guarantees an appropriate trip status.

2. We have added variables to Booking details with the driver's name and driver's contact phone number, which means that:

-the client will have direct contacts in case of questions about the location of the driver
-the load on the partner's support will decrease
-trust and loyalty to the partner's service will increase

The driver_name and driver_phone data are available in RS Booking details either after making a booking a few hours later / or 24 hours before the travel time.

You must download this Intui data after Intui sends you a Callback. Next, you need to get driver_name and driver_phone using the GetBookingDetails method and pass this data further to your client.

For each segment of the transfer (order), the information on driver_name and driver_phone will be different, i.e. for example: if the client had one driver for the transfer from the airport, this does not mean that the same driver will be appointed for the transfer from the hotel to the airport. The transport company itself assigns drivers for each trip.

We suggest you API partner to configure reading of driver_name and driver_phone fields from RS booking details

Detailed information on the new fields in the API documentation via the link.
If your callback is not configured, then we recommend to implement it, see Callback method

For questions, contact


1 passengers