Book a Transfer

We are constantly improving our tools so that they become more comfortable, fast and modern. Today we are pleased to inform you about the features and chips of our new cool widgets that you can use right away!

What good about widgets?

Widgets are an easy way to redirect a user directly to a landing page. It can be customized completely to your taste, and the installation takes no more than 10 minutes.

All Intui widgets are adaptive - you can experiment with resolution and find the perfect tool. A variety of language versions will allow you to apply the tool to target audiences in different countries.

As a result, you get a tool that is completely ready and perfected to your taste for easy monetization of your web site using transfers.

Read more about our new widgets below.


New widget How to get


Chip of this widget:

The user sees the Airports to the specified place with the lowest prices.

A super tip for a traveler -  from which airport the transfer wouls be cheaper.

It is possible to set up a revolt relevant to the content of the page of the site, the catalog where there is a description about the resort, the city or on the page how to get to ... "Disneyland"

Parameters that a partner can set:

- Language
- Color scheme
- Resort
- Currency
- Inscription Powered by Intui

New One row widget


Chip of the One row widget:

One row is simple in style and easy to use, nothing superfluous, only from where, where the landing parameters are set

Compact. Adaptive for phones and touchpads.

May be specified for a specific Airport and to the resort.

and posted on the resort page

The user is left with only one click - click the search button!

Parameters that a partner can set:

- Language
- Color scheme
- Tagline
- Transport node
- Resort / Hotel
- Inscription Powered by Intui


New widget TOP-3

Chip of the widget TOP-3:

A good addition is relevant to the content of the site page directory.

Top offers are always visible and with current prices.

By pressing the “Search” button, the user sees the first three cars at once.

+ you can load subsequent offers by clicking on the arrow and choose the best option

By clicking on Order - The user immediately appears on the page of registration and payment of the order

Parameters that a partner can set:

- Language
- Color scheme
- Tagline
- Transport node
- Resort / Hotel
- Inscription Powered by Intui

New widget One field


Chip of the widget One field:

At the specified address, the system will give the user all possible transport nodes from which you can reach the specified address.

Suitable for any page of the web site.

Will find a transfer for the client by Address, name of the object or by GEO coordinates.

Parameters that a partner can set:

- Language
- Color scheme
- Inscription Powered by Intui

Monetize your projects easily with widgets from transfer!

Have questions about installing and configuring new widgets from Intui?

Email us at

1 passengers