Book a Transfer
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How to cancel my booking ?

Cancellation of online booked transfer.

Yes, it is possible!

Cancellation of the Transfer can be made only by online mode in the Personal Account anytime, before the first date of the booked transfer.

Transfer could not be canceled by email or a phone call.

The first date of the transfer means the earliest date of the order. For example, if you booked a transfer from/to the airport, so the first date of your transfer will be the date of the transfer from the airport. It is not allowed to cancel one of the order segments, and it is not allowed to cancel the second segment of the transfer for transfer orders in two ways: from/to.

If you need to change your date or time, or contact phone number, flight details – for this purpose you don’t have to cancel the booking. You can make changes yourself in your Personal Account anytime, before the first date of the booked transfer.

Concerning the conditions of order changes, please, read here. The conditions of order changes are also available in the booking card in your Personal Account and in the voucher.

How can I cancel my booking? Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Going to My Account of Partner Personal Account

Go To My Account of Client on Intui.Travel


Step 2: Log In and then Go to the page My Orders on the Dashboard



Step 3: Click on the needed order


Step 4: Scroll down to the end of the page with information on your booking and you will found two buttons: Cancellation rules and Cancel transfer

Cancellation Rules and Cancellation Button

Step 5: It's highly recommended to read the Cancellation Rules before making a cancellation


Cancellation and Refund

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